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project overview
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BlinkenBag almost finished.jpg
Year 2011
Number of pixels 144
Grayscales / Colors 8 grayscales
Illuminant SMD LEDs
Power input
Contact person Sandra Schweighart, Arne Rossius
Project website BlinkenArea BlinkenBag (en)

The BlinkenBag - a portable blinking LED vintage TV - in handbag style. The bag is a first fusion of blinking technology and dress making. On the inside of the bag the platine, cables and power supply are stashed.

The BlinkenBag circuit is a modification of BlinkstroemAdvanced and therefore th bag has 144 picels and is a replica variant of the Blinkenlights installation in Berlin.

The platine is one of a kind especially for this project designed by Arne. It is a modification of BlinkstroemAdvanced platine, where the LEDs don't get soldered on the platine's backside but instead are applied on the fabric on the frontside of the bag. Therefor the rows and columns of the matrix are side-fed.

The matrix on which the LEDs are connected to and receive power is sewn on the fabric with conductive thread.

The bag is made of black and blown fake leather, which is made with a normal sewing machine and normal sewing thread.


  • BlinkenBag auf der Kunstausstellung
  • BlinkenBag Platine
  • BlinkenBag LEDs mit Lötösen versehen
  • BlinkenBag LEDs auf dem Stoff

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