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Zur deutschsprachigen Version dieser Seite
Year 2004/2005
Architecture i386
Operating System Windows (>= 95)
Hardware requirements
Software requirements VB6 runtime, MS Winsock, MS CommControl
Source Code Size
Memory requirements
Language Visual Basic 6.0
Contact person Arne Rossius
Zur deutschsprachigen Version dieser Seite

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UDPplayer is a Windows program capable of displaying MCUF-Streams (Blinkenlights, Arcade or almost any other size). The advantage of this program is that you can change the pixel size, so you can emulate the window size of the original installation or try your own.

Since version 1.2, it is also possible to output the stream on a serial port. For example, this function can be used with Blinky and BlinkstroemAdvanced.
