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Revision as of 15:56, 4 December 2007 by JulianePilster (talk | contribs)
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Year 2006
Operating System
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Contact person Stefan Schürmans
Zur deutschsprachigen Version dieser Seite

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BlinkenLib is a small C library without much dpendencies that provides functions to work with the BlinkenLights protocols and the file formats of Blinkenlights.

It exists for Windows and Linux:

Additionally, there are some tools packed with the library:

  • BlinkenConv - convert blinkenlights movies into other file formats
  • BlinkenSend - send blinkenlights movies as a stream over the network
  • BlinkenRecv - receive blinkenlights movied from a network stream
  • BlinkenOutput - output a network stream to some device (e.g. a serial port)